Grief- What is It and What Does it Look Like?

In the last week, I have heard several stories of grief.  Grief shows up in all kinds of situations.  Death, break-ups, divorce, children moving away, parents moving away, loss of a job, loss of a friend, and the loss of the person we used to be.  In each of these situations, a person may find themselves experiencing the various stages of grief.  And, sometimes, these feelings go unrecognized as grief.  Grief is "normal" and helps us accept and regroup.  It is a process, however, that requires some trust, patience, and support.  Here are the stages of grief and an explanation of each of them (

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

How do you know if you are experiencing grief?  There are emotional and physical symptoms associated with grief.  If you aren't sure, ask someone close to you for honest feedback.  He/she might help you recognize the symptoms you are experiencing.  Some symptoms include crying, nightmares, isolation, anxiety, sadness, obsession, changes in sleeping and/or eating, and difficulty with concentrating.  It is important to mention that sometimes the symptoms don't show up immediately after the trauma/loss.  It may take a couple of months before you notice the feelings and symptoms.  

There are various ways of coping with grief.  Check out this link  12 Tips for Grieving

Reach out for help.  It's okay to let someone know you need them.
